Browsing: Tallaght Wheelers

I have been cycling for over 15 years and In those intervening years I’ve clocked up 1,000’s of training miles. I’ve cycled from Malin to Mizen head (twice) and in 2015, I completed the 1,200 km, 32 county Cycle For Life Challenge . During all that time, I did consider joining a cycling club, however I was reluctant for a number of reasons. One of which, was my belief that cycling clubs had an elitist feel to them. You had to ride a certain bike, be seen wearing particular clothing brands, stick to a strict training regime and there would be…

Formed in 2018, CSS Tallaght Wheelers is a leisure cycling club and is Cycling Ireland affilated. The club caters for cyclists of all abilities. The club holds a weekly club spin on a Saturday morning as well as a beginner’s spin on a Thursday evening at 7pm. It is hoped that as the club expands, additional spins will be organised. Membership is only €20 and all members are required to be a leisure member of Cycling Ireland. The benefits of becoming a leisure member of Cycling Ireland, can be found HERE. Members of CSS Tallaght Wheelers can also avail of…

Update: Club Open Meeting Will be held on the 15th March at 7:15, in Cycle SuperStore. For 2018, Cycle SuperStore is looking to establish a Cycling Club. Team Cycle Super Store will be primarily aimed at recreational cyclist, but will also assist those members who wish to compete. There are many reasons for joining a clubs and the benefits for joining a club are as follows; Meet like minded people Discover new routes and roads Compete in Cycling Ireland sanctioned events. Take part in Championships Gain training insights Learn new skills People who are interested in assisting in the formation…